Casa Italia in Paris 2024 Olympics. LUCEweb

Posted on 26 July 2024 in News, Press


LIGHT AS A TOOL FOR ENHANCEMENT. Light is undoubtedly a fundamental element of cohesion between landscape, architecture, art and design. In the project, curated by FABERtechnica, a company founded in 2001 by Marco Frascarolo, an engineer and lover of light and sound, light is used as an element to enhance the individual excellences and professionalism that converge in the Ensemble concept, from the works of artists to those of designers, from scenography to landscape design, weaving a canvas that harmonizes everything in a perceptive and narrative path, taking into account both daytime and nighttime use. The space was modeled to create visual hierarchies between all the elements that shape the richness of content of Casa Italia, without forgetting the atmospheres necessary to accompany the moments of celebration and conviviality that the spaces themselves will celebrate. “We worked on the place that hosts us as well as on the works and objects that characterize the installation, so that container and content become a single entity, following the fil rouge Ensemble traced by CONI and developed by the It’s Architettura studio,” said Marco Frascarolo. “Casa Italia worked on the valorization of individual excellences, from the works of artists to those of designers, from the scenography to the landscape installation, weaving a unique canvas in a perceptive and narrative path, day and night, capable of capturing every single moment of the House, emphasizing it in its entirety”

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Photo Credits: Pietro Savorelli for CONI ©